Straight Shooter (Rear Entrance Video, #3) Page 22
Austin couldn’t help it; his gaze wandered from Sandra and Beverly in their white dresses to Liam sitting in the third row, looking strange but handsome in his neat grey suit. As much of myself as I can, for as long as I can. It wasn’t a promise of forever, but maybe forever wasn’t the true measure of partnership or love. It had only been a day since that kiss in the locker room, and they hadn’t gotten to spend any of it together, but Austin felt like whatever was between him and Liam was already on that scale. Their eyes met, and Liam grinned, giving him the thumbs-up. Austin flushed and quickly looked away.
Beverly nodded rapidly, like she couldn’t agree more, then repeated back, giddy and tearful, “I promise to love you and respect you, and give you as much of myself as I can for as long as I can.”
“Couldn’t have said it better myself,” the man officiating said with a shrug, the first thing he seemed to have said in the entire ceremony, and everybody laughed. “Sandra Bowie, Beverly Blake, I am absolutely overjoyed to say that by the power vested in me by the province of British Columbia and the Unitarian Universalist Church, I now pronounce you wife and wife! Make with the kissing!” He raised his arms, Sandra and Beverly fell into one another’s arms like they’d lost their respective abilities to stand upright, and when they kissed, everyone cheered and applauded, including Austin. Next thing he knew, Bobby’s arms were thrown around his shoulders and Bobby’s lip-gloss-sticky lips were pressing a happy kiss on his cheek.
He’d never been happier to return an embrace in his life.
“Can I just say you make an adorable bridesmaid?” Liam said, sidling up and giving Austin’s orange tie a tug.
“Bridesman,” Austin corrected with a crooked grin, folding his arms over his chest as he watched Bobby twirling around on the makeshift dance floor in his dress and black high-top Chucks like he was a little girl in her first tutu.
Man, Austin couldn’t judge, because it wasn’t like he would have done anything different if he was wearing one of the puffy orange bridesmaid dresses instead of a suit and tie like Christian, Max, and Noah were all wearing.
There’d been no point in renting a hall when they had a whole store already paid for, so they’d pushed the racks of videos and toys to the walls, opening up the centre space of the store as a dance floor. There was a table set up for a potluck dinner, and for decoration, they’d filled the room with flickering jack-o’-lanterns. Max had provided better speakers for the store computer and made up a dance playlist. Which was currently cycling through a selection of shamelessly fun seventies and eighties music while they waited for the brides to arrive.
When they finally walked through the door, everyone applauded again. Lacking a glass to clink, Christian cupped his mouth and shouted at the top of his lungs, “Kiss!”
“Kiss, kiss, kiss!” they all chanted, until Sandra finally grabbed Beverly by the waist and dipped her like a pro, planting a dramatic smooch on her lips . . . and then her chin, and cheeks, and forehead, and nose, until the two of them fell back against the door giggling.
“Ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between!” Max announced, Bobby giving an excited shout at the last bit, “May I present to you Mrs. and Mrs. Bowie-Blake!”
There was no spotlight, but Sandra and Beverly still walked into the centre of the dance floor like there was one trained on them. They took each other by the hand and shoulder or waist, falling so easily into their roles that Austin had no doubt they fit together perfectly. The song they played for their first dance was sultry and heartfelt at the same time, a love song and a sex song all at once. As it went on, Max hopped the counter, grabbed Christian by the hand, and yanked him onto the dance floor. Bobby and Dylan were next—Bobby eager to resume twirling in his skirt—and after them, Noah and his girlfriend, Amber, and the store’s old manager Vicks, with her chubby Mohawked baby in her arms. One of Sandra’s bridesmaids and her date joined in soon after, and the other . . .
The other made a beeline for Austin. “You wanna?” she asked, gesturing to the dance floor with her thumb. She was gorgeous, tall and slim and redheaded, with eyes as sharp as Sandra’s but a soft, sexy mouth.
Austin automatically turned to Liam. Didn’t consider how it would look. How it would be interpreted. Didn’t really care.
Liam, leaning against the wall next to him, raised his eyebrows but gave Austin a nod of permission.
Permission, it turned out, that Austin didn’t want. He shook his head at the bridesmaid. “Sorry. Spoken for,” he said, and flashed her an apologetic smile as he took Liam by the hand and led him out onto the dance floor.
His roommates and his coworkers and Sandra and Beverly and their guests and the sexy bridesmaid could all see him. They could even be staring, gaping, whispering, but Austin didn’t care if they were.
He pressed against Liam’s body, let Liam’s arms enfold him. Wrapped his arms around Liam’s neck and rested his head on Liam’s shoulder and let himself . . . dance.
Liam had given him that.
The party was still in full swing when Liam looped an arm around Austin’s waist and drew him close, whispering, “Wanna come home with me?”
Every muscle in Austin’s body seemed to twinge in anticipation. “Please,” he replied, not the slightest bit embarrassed that it came out in a breathy moan.
Liam gave him a squeeze, and the look in his eyes said he was feeling the same powerful desire that was currently overrunning Austin. And then, because Austin was too stupid with want at that point to really move, Liam took him by the hand and led him across the room to where Sandra and Beverly were nestled together on the floor in their dresses, a bottle of wine between them. “Congratulations,” Liam said, and Austin nodded dumbly.
“Going so soon?” Beverly asked, eyes twinkling mischievously.
Liam elbowed Austin in the ribs. “Tell Beverly where you’re going,” he ordered.
Austin’s spine straightened, and his cheeks went hot. But he didn’t try to resist. “I’m going home with Liam.”
“Oh, isn’t that nice,” Beverly said. She looked downright evil, now. “Well, have fun, both of you. Liam, you take care of him. Don’t play too rough.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Liam replied smoothly, but what Austin heard was, I love him too much to ever hurt him.
And that, more than anything Liam had ever said or done, made Austin fly.
After making the rounds of the reception, they finally ducked out the front door, out into the cool Vancouver night. The walk to Liam’s place was brisk and beautiful, and though Austin hadn’t had so much as a mouthful of wine, he felt deliriously drunk, neon lights dancing in his vision. He swore he could feel Liam’s heartbeat in his hand.
They walked down Davie Street like any other gay couple, hand in hand and fingers interlaced, Austin’s head on Liam’s shoulder.
When they finally arrived at Liam’s condo and the door was shut behind them, Liam didn’t need to say anything; Austin automatically fell to his knees. Felt like he’d been waiting to do this for months. Maybe he had been.
Liam laughed softly. Not cruel, but affectionate. His hand landed in Austin’s hair, fisting it tightly. “Eager, huh?”
“Yes,” Austin hissed, eyes falling shut as Liam jerked his head back.
“Good. I am too.” Liam’s other hand came to rest on the side of Austin’s face, his thumb pressing against Austin’s lips. Cocksucking lips. Austin remembered, now. How they fit together. He opened his mouth, staring up into Liam’s eyes as he sucked his thumb in. “That’s my boy,” Liam murmured, and Austin didn’t miss the way his tailored slacks shifted.
Austin rested his palms on his knees. Arched his spine. Kept on looking up at Liam like he was a god on earth. To Austin, he was, and he planned on worshipping accordingly. With his eyes, with his mouth, with every inch of his body. I promise to give as much of myself as I can.
Right now, that meant everything.
He only wished he was naked.
“I still remember
the first time I met you, kiddo. You were so nervous. Your palms were sweaty. You obviously felt threatened by me, but in a good way. God, such a good way. Even thinking about it got me all . . . predatory. Yeah. Made me want to see how much more I could get under your skin. I thought, I could really get off on toying with this kid.” His smirk softened into a wistful smile. “And then you practically begged me to believe you were straight, and it nearly broke my heart. After that, all I could think about was how I could help heal yours.”
He dragged his spit-wet thumb over Austin’s lower lip, drawing a line down Austin’s chin and holding Austin delicately by the jaw. “I was so scared,” Austin admitted, barely above a whisper. He stared up into Liam’s eyes, seeing nothing there but patient acceptance. No judgment at all, but why would there be? There never had been. “Terrified. Felt like my whole life was spinning out of control.” He balled his hands—still resting on his knees—into fists. “And then you were there and you made things make sense again. Even—” He swallowed. “Even when it was only Puck, in your videos. Or even . . . even after you sent me away and we weren’t seeing each other anymore. You made me feel like there was still order in the world. Like even if it felt like everything was falling apart, I knew it never would completely, because you would always be there. In the centre.”
Like the sun. Hell, maybe that spinning Austin felt was actually orbiting. Hurtling through the universe, but anchored, always following a safe, set path. He’d never go flying off into nothingness, so long as Liam was there.
Liam’s expression turned fierce and determined. “I will always be there for you, Austin. Just like that, whatever you need. So long as you want me.”
Austin’s eyes slid shut. “I want you.” His voice shook. His shoulders trembled. His eyelashes felt wet. “I want you.”
Liam laid a sweet, gentle kiss on his open mouth. “Then you have me, kiddo. Get undressed, hang up your suit, and I’ll meet you in my bedroom.”
Liam was waiting for him in the bedroom, seated on the edge of his bed with his jacket off and his tie loosened, his sleeves rolled up to bare his muscular forearms. Austin fought the urge to cover himself as he walked in, suddenly shy of his nakedness. Liam hadn’t seen him naked since the night he’d sent him home, and that night, they’d both been naked. This was different, Austin could feel it.
“Having a tough time, huh, buddy?”
Austin nodded, flushed hot from his chest to his ears.
“Put your arms behind your back, then. Hands on opposite elbows. Hold nice and tight.”
It felt good to follow specific instructions. Made his nakedness a more active thing, something he participated in rather than something he . . . was. His dick was hard, and Liam was looking at it, half-smiling, pleased. Austin tightened his grip on his elbows and took a deep breath that caused the slightest strain to run through his chest and shoulders.
“Damn you’re pretty.” Liam slipped from the bed and walked to Austin’s side, taking a handful of his hair as he continued around Austin’s body to stand at his back. “But I’m the only one allowed to call you that, aren’t I?”
Austin licked his lips. Remembered he was supposed to answer direct questions. “Yeah.”
“What else is there that only I’m allowed to do?” He pulled Austin’s head back a couple of degrees and ran a finger up the underside of his dick.
“Touch me like that,” Austin replied. “F . . . fuck me.”
“Oh, hmm. Is that only in your ass—” Liam’s hand moved from Austin’s dick to the crack of his ass, tickling teasingly at his hole. “—or in your mouth, too?” Now the finger touched Austin’s lips. Austin should have been disgusted at where Liam’s finger had been, but oh, he wasn’t. Or, he was, but he was helplessly turned on at the same time. He shuddered. “If I invited a friend over, would you suck his dick too?”
Austin wished he could say yes, give Liam everything he desired, but he shook his head.
“Good boy. I appreciate the honesty. Frankly, I think I’d like to keep you all to myself anyway. But the thought of it—the fear—gets you a little hot, huh?”
That was true. Austin pictured himself on his knees, hands tied behind his back, blindfolded, sucking dick, and then Liam would pull the blindfold off and it would be another man. Another man’s scent in his nostrils, another man’s cum filling the back of his mouth and his throat, sticking to him no matter how many times he swallowed or spit. A little moan escaped him.
“Yeah, it does. That’s okay, buddy. It’s okay to want things and be afraid of them, or to only want to think about them but not make them real. It’s even okay to pretend, a little.”
The words were out of Austin’s mouth before he could stop them. Before he could think of where they were going. “Before we started all this, I’d finger myself and pretend it was you. When I watched you—” He shook his head. “When I watched Puck.”
Liam groaned, pressing up against Austin’s back, letting Austin feel the long curve of his thick cock. “I knew you were perfect for me. But you do know Puck is me, right? It’s not like I have some alternate personality who does my scenes.”
“No, but Puck—Puck I have to share. Liam is all mine.” God, Austin said that now, but was it true? He had no idea. Liam had made no promises of fidelity. Hadn’t mentioned quitting his job, or even being exclusive with each other outside of it.
Liam’s arms slid up Austin’s chest, drawing them closer together. Austin’s strained arms twinged in pain. Liam pressed his face into Austin’s hair and breathed deep. “Yes, Austin. Yes, I am. And God, I’m so fucking relieved to hear you put it that way. I knew we’d have to talk about my job eventually, and to be honest with you, I was kind of dreading that conversation, because I’m not ready to give up my work. Maybe one day, I can move to doing most of my work behind the scenes—well, I’ll probably pretty much have to unless I want to do old dude fetish stuff, I guess—but not yet. But working the job I do doesn’t make what’s between us any less important or any less meaningful.” He kissed the back of Austin’s head. “And you’re right. Liam is all yours.”
Relief hit Austin like a tidal wave, and he would have fallen, except for Liam standing behind him with his arms wrapped around his chest, holding him upright. Holding him steady. “I love you, Master,” he blurted out.
Liam grabbed him hard by the shoulders, turned him, and gave him a shove so he fell backward onto the bed. He loomed over Austin, face unreadable, and Austin’s heart pounded. He ached to take it back, to make it out like he was joking, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t tell a lie, not to Liam . . . not to his master. So he lay there, awaiting Liam’s response, even if it was a punishment.
But Liam didn’t respond. Didn’t say a word as he stripped out of his clothes and tossed his shirt and tie and trousers to the floor. His jaw was tight, his eyes dark. Austin couldn’t tell if he was angry or possessed. He climbed onto the bed, straddling Austin’s body, and the pressure of his weight brought Austin instantly to a safer place. “I love you too, buddy. I love you, and I want to make you mine.”
I already am, Austin thought dreamily, but didn’t get to say it aloud because Liam had climbed up to straddle his head, was dipping the head of his cock into Austin’s waiting open mouth. Salty. So big. Austin let out a half-smothered moan as Liam fucked his face twice more, then went to work tying his wrists to either bedpost. The rope was soft and slick, but the knots were secure. Secure. Austin liked that.
Liked it better when Liam grabbed his calf next and bent his leg up over his body, folding Austin in half in order to tie his ankle to the same post as his wrist. And then the other leg, leaving his back curved and half-rolled off the mattress, his ass exposed, his legs spread to the point of aching.
Completely at Liam—his master’s—mercy.
And secure.
Austin floated in that painful but safe place as Liam slicked his ass, then slipped two fingers in to milk him. He knew he was being milked right from the start, becaus
e Liam used his free hand to gentle him, kept murmuring and whispering “Easy, easy,” and “Nice and loose for me, buddy.”
Took him by the cock and gave it slow, rhythmic tugs as his cum poured out and drenched his own belly and chest, finally releasing him from his horrible pleasure.
And then, taking advantage of his loose hole and upraised, offered body, Liam finally claimed him. Nine inches of thick, bare cock. Stretched him to the point that he gritted his teeth and wailed, but Liam didn’t stop, and Austin didn’t want him to stop. He wanted to be fucked and pounded and used and owned, until there wasn’t a single part of him Liam hadn’t claimed.
He didn’t want to be his own person, not anymore, not when it was so much better, so much safer, so much more right with Liam.
And he knew he could have gone on without this. He did. Their weeks apart had taught him he could manage himself, could enjoy his life, could find a peaceful place even when the rest of his world was completely out of control, but oh, it was so much better with Liam, he knew. Having Liam to lean on, to support him, to help him continue to grow into the man he’d begun to become.
Yes, this was exactly where he wanted to be.
Nope, correction. Right here, but with an ass full of Liam’s hot cum.
This was where he wanted to be.
Austin didn’t remember being untied. Didn’t remember Liam coming inside him, either, not really.
But both of those things must have happened, because he was lying curled on his side in Liam’s bed, cooling cum dripping out of his aching ass.
The sensation snapped him out of the happy, floaty place. Felt sloppy and horrible and humiliating, but also right. Yeah, right—at the same time. He relaxed again, eyes drifting closed.
But wait, where the fuck was Liam?
He sat up.
“Liam?” he called, although it was more of a croak. He hadn’t realized Liam had gotten so deep into his throat, but damn, he could sure feel it now. He coughed and tried again. “Liam?”